
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2021

Any involuntary physical change is always difficult to accept, that's why Por los Pelos wants to help you

 Many people undergoing chemotherapy for the first time may be afraid of the change in their physical appearance. Little by little the hair falls out and the change can be radical. At Por los Pelos we want to help those people who are undergoing these changes, creating wigs that adapt to their needs, and make the impact of this change less radical.   But we not only want to help people with cancer, but also people who also want to change or improve their facial appearance, through different types of beauty treatments. Our products  At Por los Pelos we want to be able to help as many people as possible. That is why our range of products is very wide. We have all kinds of wigs, beards, mustaches and pigmentation treatments that adapt perfectly to the needs of each person. Regarding the wigs we have both curly and straight hair; short or long hair; according to colour range, we have blonde, brown, red, brown, etc. In the case that we do not have the wig that t...

Getting to know “Por los pelos”

  Getting to know “Por los pelos” We are aware of the uncertainty that causes not knowing what materials are used to make our wigs and how they are made. We have received a lot of questions about this issue and we know how important it is. We don't settle for just doing wigs, we also care about the social issues that involve cancer, the people that suffer from this disease and all the mental issues that can cause this illness. But it is also very important to us to take care of our planet and be ecological. We are so sure that after reading this post and after knowing a little bit more about our brand, values and principles, you are going to love “Por los pelos”. Our main goal is to clarify all your doubts and try to get you to collaborate with the cause. We want to remember that this isn´t just a company, it is also a tool to help all the people that have experienced cancer. As we already have said, one of our main goals is to contribute to the improvement of the planet. That is w...


 THE OTHER SIDE OF BREAST CANCER: LOST OF SELF-ESTEEM AND HOW TO GET IT BACK.  Facing a cancer situation can be really tough, especially after the chemotherapy treatment , which affects the patient physically, and also psychologically which is “the other side”. Copying with the different backlash that cancer creates in people is giant, before, during and after, and one of them is self-esteem. In this article we find out how to get it back.  Breast cancer is a disease that affects 132 people out of 100.000 citizens per year in Spain and the probability of developing breast cancer is 1 out of 8. However, it is a disease that can also affect men, even though it is more frequent in females. Physically, people with breast cancer might face pain during their treatment with chemotherapy, weight loss, fatigue, hair loss, nausea, and other disorders. However, it affects other parts of women as a whole.  “After cancer I feel a totally different person, I feel like I have aged...


  The world of aesthetics is very big, and one of the sectors is the oncological aesthetic . The oncological aesthetics are the specialisation of beauty and comfort with the objective of improving the external image and the emotions to improve the quality of psychology of the people with cancer .  First of all, I will explain a little bit about cancer . Cancer is the development of abnormal cells that are divided without control and they can destroy the corporal tissue, and sometimes they can spread around the body. They are different types of cancers , but the most common is the breast, with more than 284.200 cases around the world every year. The next is prostate and lung cancer .  When the people have the surgery to eliminate or take off the cancer , the people have oncological treatments , the chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and every therapy has alterations in all the body to remove the cancer . One of the alterations has the skin, for example, dry skin, irritation, ...

What’s the reason behind celebrities using wigs?

 What’s the reason behind celebrities using wigs?  The world of beauty and aesthetics has changed drastically thanks to technological advances and the different standards and ideals of beauty that society has imposed over the years. Have you ever asked yourself how some celebrities can change their hairstyle in a matter of days or even hours? Let me tell you that in many cases, it’s because of the use of wigs!  Stereotypes and hairstyles  People for years have been worrying about fitting into the ideals of beauty, as well as taking care of their physical appearance in order to fit with society's image, this worry comes from the fact that we are all afraid of being excluded from the rest. These Stereotypes have always been part of our society, but new stereotypes involving beauty have appeared and the ones that already existed have been changed throughout history. However, nowadays, they are more present than ever because of social media, editing platforms, and influe...